Over two decades of manufacturing, installing and maintaining bullet catchers, ECC have continuously developed their bullet catchers to provide the safest, most economic solutions to suit your specific range requirements. Contact us to discuss your requirements.

For high velocity, high capacity, tactical training with minimal, cost effective maintenance requirements there is no beating ECC's Reclining Grantrap.

Where space is at a premium, such as in containerised facilities or in refurbishments ECC produce a range of vertical bullet catcher solutions such as the ECC Block trap shown.

For where high capacity is still a requirement but space is limited. ECC developed this trap to suit refurbishments benefiting from the capacity of an ECC Reclining Grantrap in a much smaller footprint.

Certified Safe and Clear clearing traps for all of your loading and downloading needs. These traps are 7.62mm rifle rated and fully serviceable, providing ongoing value.

ECC Ballistic Wall system can be installed on walls within ranges to allow '180°' training. These have also been used and certified for Live Five Skills Houses/ CQB for 360° shooting.

ECC developed this trap to provide a safe reduced lead solution for ranges with a tight Mean Point of Impact (MPI) such as club and cadet ranges & container ranges. Options for CQB are also available.

Primarily designed for use with ECC Ballistic Wall systems where significant attrition is expected to take place. These can easily be moved to change scenarios quickly and safely.